Our Services

- Property Management
- Facilities Management
- Financial Management & Accounting
The main advantage of utilising CPM is that you deal with the principals of the business daily – their involvement does not end at the winning of the appointment!
The prime function of CPM is to build a rapport and ensure the tenants are satisfied in the building. We also strive to maximise the Owner’s financial return on their investment in the Building in the most efficient manner possible.
CPM work on properties of all sizes for private investors all the way through to listed property trusts. A tailored solution is provided for all clients. We strive to provide a seamless delivery of Property Management, Facilities Management & Property Accounting Services.
Other services include:
- Lease Administration/Audit
- Site Acquisition
- Tenant Advocacy
- Consultancy
- General Property Advice
The extensive track record of its personnel are also able to provide these additional services.
In essence, CPM is an ‘outsider’, who has ‘insider’ know-how, providing pro-active, tailored solutions for value enhancement, compliance, cost reduction and risk alleviation purposes.
Contact Us
Commercial Portfolio Management
ABN 68 342 370 536 Phone: +61 2 9262 3636
Email: inquiry@commercialportfoliomanagement.com.au